Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Pastors

I live in awe of my pastors. God's call on their lives is a tremendous, most times joyous, sometimes burdensome, but always incredible.  They are called to preach His Holy Word, to be living examples of His love, to teach His Truth, to bring in His Kingdom, to correct or rebuke when one of us goes astray, and to always point us back to our God. (Read 1 & 2 Timothy for a complete overview.)

Life is never boring around here.  They don't keep 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. hours; they simply can't.  Hospital visits, counseling, weddings, funerals, and the people who come to them need their attention.  Crisis can never be scheduled.

They will answer to God for the people that He has given to them to teach.  (Hebrews 13:17)  That's a huge account for a pastor.

In view of this, as a secretary, it's good to reflect on their calling.  My job is to do whatever work I can to free them up to do their work.  Some of it is typical office work--phone messages, emails, running errands, and things of that nature.  Sometimes, it is looking for little things like washing all the dishes or having the coffee ready to go or setting up the conference room for a meeting.  Keeping the office running, cozy, professional, yet family is sometimes a balancing act but worthwhile.

At times, it means baby sitting children, fixing a meal, or taking calls that don't need a pastor's touch so much as a sympathetic ear.

The biggest support is prayer.  These men are in the front lines of battle--battles that are fierce.  Prayer is the best coverage for that. Prayer for wisdom, for boldness, for gentleness, for guidance, for rest.  These are things I could never help them with, but I can pray for them.

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